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Yoblonski, James


Missing Since: June 12, 2023

Missing From: Baraboo, Sauk County

Age: 13 years old

Date of Birth: December 3, 2009

Sex: Male

Race: White

Height and Weight: 5'11, 120 pounds

Clothing: shirt, blue jeans, red shoes and a baseball cap

Wearing a backpack and carrying two bags

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Marks: a half-inch scar on the back of his neck.

Case Owner:  Sauk County Sheriff
(608) 356-4895
Agency Case Number SC23-06078

For K see RC

Details of Disappearance

He left his family's home in Reedsburg at close to 1:00 a.m., driving the family van. He took his father's cellular phone with him. He was reported missing at 9:00 a.m. Authorities later determined he drove around for several hours after leaving, and stopped at his father's business in Wisconsin Dells twice.

The van was found along the westbound lane of Highway 12 near Baraboo Bluffs, close to Devil's Lake State Park. Across the highway, up a steep hill along the eastbound lane, was James's father's cellular phone and some of James's belongings at a makeshift campsite. This is a very remote and rugged area.

Despite the many searches, James hasn’t been found.

More Information


Charley Project 

The route James took to go to his dad’s work and then devil’s lake. 
