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Wobig, David Laverne


Date last seen: February 02, 2012

Missing from: Baldwin, St Croix County

Age: 49
Date of Birth: August 12,1962 

Race: White
Sex: Male
Height (inches): 5’7”-5’8”
Weight (pounds): 150.0 to 180.0

Clothing: A Raiders jacket and a baseball cap

Hair: Grey, receding

Eyes: Hazel, eyeglasses with large, round frames

Marks: a scar on his abdomen.

Exclusions: 9

Case Owner: St Croix Sheriff

(715) 381-4320

Agency Case Number 12-10512

Details of Disappearance

Wobig was last seen at his home in Baldwin on February 2, 2012. He had been drinking heavily and was reportedly talking about leaving the area or harming himself. He apparently left voluntarily, taking a toothbrush and extra clothing, but he left his car behind. He has never been heard from again.

He was going through a divorce, foreclosure, and other legal problems (see right). Wobig has friends in Montana, but they haven't seen or heard from him since his disappearance. Little information is available in his case.

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