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Withee, Ryan Christopher


Date of Last Contact: April 4, 2022
Missing From: Milwaukee, Milwaukee County

Age: 36

DOB: September 12, 1985
Height: 5′ 10″
Weight: 165
Hair: Blonde, Mustache and goatee. Short head hair. Hair on chest and legs.
Eyes: Blue

Tattoos: left upper arm "Long hard road of struggle and pain"

Clothing: black jeans, black zipper fleece, blue beanie, and tan work boots

Case Owner: Milwaukee PD - Sensitive Crimes

(414) 933-4444

Agency Case Number 22-096-0093

Details of Disappearance

Was last seen by ex room mate at 3650 South 14th St., Milwaukee in the Morgandale neighborhood on April 4th at 3:30pm. Ryan left on foot wearing black jeans, black fleece zip up, blue beanie and brow work boots. His phone was found in an alley on 8th and Oklahoma sometime Tuesday morning exact location is unknown, his back pack was found sometime Tuesday April 5th back at the last address. Ryan's mother already contacted all homeless shelters in the area.

More Information


Bringing home Ryan Facebook page

My notes