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Tessema, Namrud

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Missing Since:  October 22, 2023

Missing From:  Mercer, Iron County
Age:  46
Gender:  Male
Race:  Black
Height: 5' 10" (70 Inches)
Weight: 150 lbs

Hair Color: Gray or Partially Gray, white beard

Eyes: Brown

Tattoo in his left hand.

Clothing: Blue jeans, a dark colored flannel, and was not wearing shoes.


Case Owner: 

Iron County Sheriff

(715) 561-3800

Agency Case Number 2310-0291

Details of Disappearance

He was last seen on foot near a wooded area near the the Maple Grove Mobile Home Park in Mercer on October 22, 2023. Namrud left behind his vehicle and personal items. The father of two with a devoted faith-based lifestyle was taking a walk on a spiritual journey.  *kf fb re: dn

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