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Swenby, James


Date of Last Contact October 31, 2021
From: Madison, Dane County

Age: 46 Years
DOB:  2 JAN 1975
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 11" (71 Inches)
Weight 165 lbs
Race White
Hair Sandy. Balding hair line, short hair along the sides, a full beard that had gray mixed in
Eyes blue
Scar: a scar to the back right side of his head
Tattoos: "MR BLACK" across top of chest/collar bones, Portraits of his two children on left shoulder with two words above - (first one illegible, possibly Daddy's) Angels, Wolf howling at the moon on left side of his upper back, "Loyalty" on back of left bicep, "Family" on back of right bicep, "SWENBY" vertically down right side of torso, Writing on upper right arm - includes the words "Opal", "grandma" "Love" "Jalen James", "Kiernan", An angel on his right forearm, Left hand ring finger includes tattoo


Case Owner: Madison PD, West District

(608) 243-0500

Agency Case Number 21-460045

Details of Disappearance

Unknown circumstances of disappearance but he was reported missing after people did not see him for a few weeks. He may be transient.

More Information

His Facebook


My notes