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Stenz, Jeffrey


Date of Last Contact: May 31, 2020
Missing From: Port Washington, Ozaukee County
Age: 54 Years

DOB: 6 DEC 1961

Race: White

Sex: Male

Height: 5' 9" (69 Inches)
Weight: 150 lbs

Hair: Blond/Strawberry

Eyes: Blue

Case Owner:

Ozaukee County Sheriff

(262) 284-7172

Agency Case Number 20-15284

Details of Disappearance

Stenz went fishing with a friend approximately 10 miles off the coast of Port Washington. The boat took on water and ultimately capsized. Stenz reportedly could not swim and told his friend he could not hang onto the boat any longer. The friend reported Stenz let go of the side of the boat and sank under the water. Stenz's body has yet to be recovered.

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