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Sjoberg, Catherine


Missing Since: June 5, 1974
Missing From: Concord, Jefferson County

Age: 16 years old

Date of Birth: January 15, 1957
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height and Weight 5'5, 120 pounds
Clothing: A light blue formal gown with brown and pink trim and white flowers, a corsage, a gold pin, a gold chain and high-heeled shoes
Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Piercings: Her ears are pierced 

Medical: she has previously broken her collarbone

Exclusions: 25


Case Owner: Jefferson County Sheriff
Agency Case Number 74-1659

Details of Disappearance

She was last seen leaving Concord Center House from the Oconomowoc High School post-prom party during the early morning hours. She got into an argument with her boyfriend at 3:00 a.m. and then left.The prom was held at the Jefferson County Concord House dance hall, on an interstate 94 interchange in Concord. She was later seen in Delafield walking home. 

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Charley Project

Doe Network


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