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Rickard, Lynn


Missing Since: June 25, 2017
Missing From: Kansasville, Racine County

Age: 59 years old

Date of Birth: December 8, 1957
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height and Weight: 5'3, 150 pounds
Clothing: Either in a nightgown or naked
Medical: mental illness. 

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Marks: a linear scar on her lower abdomen.

Aliases: Uttech or Koehn

Case Owner:

Racine County Sheriff

(262) 886-2300

Agency Case Number 17-35459

Details of Disappearance

Rickard was last seen in Kansasville in the Hickory Haven Mobile Home Park, where she lived, on June 25, 2017. The address is approximately 23010 Durand Ave, Kansasville, WI 53139. She is believed to have left her home during the night via her living room window, either unclothed or in a nightgown; her husband stated he thinks she was in a disoriented state and possibly frightened.

Her footprints were tracked into a marshy area before they disappeared. She was last seen walking westward through a field half a mile from her home. She is supposed to be on oxygen continually but left without her oxygen tank.

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