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Rawlings, James Scott

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Date of Last Contact: March 8, 1986

From: Mercer, Iron County

Age: 23 Years

DOB: 4 OCT 1962
Alias: James Arwigs
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 10" (70 Inches)
Weight: 150 lbs
Race: White
Hair: Sandy
Eyes: blue (required glasses to see)
Marks: scar on forehead. small birthmark on forehead,

Tattoos: may have a wolf head tattoo on his chest

left-handed, dimples

exclusions: 1

Case Owner:

Kenosha PD

(262) 605-5203

Agency Case Number 86068589



Dentals: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Details of Disappearance

On March 8, 1986, Jim drove from Kenosha, possibly heading to Alaska. The car he was driving was found in a snow bank on the side of the road in Mercer. The keys were not with the vehicle. No one knows what happened to Jim from there.


More Information

Charley Project


Doe Network

