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Peterson, Jennifer Lee


Missing Since:  September 27, 2022

Missing From: La Crosse, La Crosse County
Age:  37

DOB: July 28, 1985
Gender:  Female
Race:  White
Hair Color: Brown (may be dyed)
Eye Color:  Blue, May wear glasses
Height:  5'5"
Weight:  155 lbs

Piercings: Pierced ears


Case Owner:

La Crosse PD

(608) 785-5962

Agency Case Number 10-22-54586

Details of Disappearance

She mentioned relocating and has a history of living in several counties in Wisconsin as well as throughout the country. Her family and law enforcement are concerned for her safety. She has two sons and has battled addiction. She had been staying with a friend on the south side of La Crosse.

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