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Ocasio, Raymond Luis


Missing since: September 23, 2018

Missing From: Ashland, Ashland County

Age: 47
DOB: July 27, 1971
Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Height: 5'7" (67 inches)
Weight: 250-300 pounds

AKA: Boom Boom
Hair Color: Brown
Medical: Amputation of part of right ear from previous injury
Tattoos:  "Boom Boom" on the front side above the navel area, 

Heart on the right breast, 

Rose-type design on left breast
Tattoo of an eagle on the right upper arm
Tattoo of a heart design on the left inner arm
Tattoo of "Puerto Rico" on the right inner arm
Tattoo of "Jasane Si Amor" on the middle of back
Tattoo of a cobra design with a Jesus face traced over it on the lower back

Auto: Dark Gray Honda Civic with the license plate, ABU 7748


Case Owner: Ashland PD

(715) 682-7062

Agency Case Number A2-18-01153

Details of Disappearance

There is no known information on his whereabouts or the vehicle's whereabouts. Raymond has a history of drug use that has been determined throughout the missing person investigation. While he had been involved in crime in the past, his wife stated he had turned things around. Raymond has family ties to Milwaukee. His wife expressed that he was displaying "very concerning behavior" and that it was not like anything that he had done in the past.


According to cellphone records, both of his cell phones were shut off as of September 23rd and last used in Ashland, WI. 

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