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Nowak, Douglas August


Last seen: June 9, 1986

From: Milwaukee, Milwaukee County
Age: 30 years old

DOB: 18 JUN 1955

Race: white

Sex: Male
Height (inches): 6'
Weight (pounds): 185
Hair Color: Blond/Strawberry
Eye Color: Blue; Wire rim glasses

Medical: unspecified mental health issues.

Exclusions: 15


Case Owner: Milwaukee PD Sensitive Crimes

(414) 935-7405

Agency Case Number 85M3036

Details of Disappearance

Douglas August Nowak was last seen in Milwaukee on June 9th, 1986. He has never been heard from again. He was reported missing by his mother. Douglas was suffering from mental health issues when he went missing. He may have traveled to Adams County, Minnesota, or Canada. 

At the time he disappeared he was married to a Debbie Davidson. She remarried in 1990 and she died in 2019. The family believes him to be deceased and all obituaries for the family list him as predeceased.

More Information

Charley Project

NaMus has age progressed pictures

Doe Network

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