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Newberry, Jody Lynn


Missing Since: May 27, 2018
Missing From: Mellen, Ashland County

Age: 54 years old

Date of Birth: August 23, 1963
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height and Weight: 5'3, 130 pounds
Clothing: A hooded sweatshirt and long pants.
Medical: Unspecified mental health issues. She has a skin tag on her nose, and several missing teeth
Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown. wears wire-rimmed eyeglasses

Aliases: last names Cook or Kowalsky

Exclusions: 1

Case Owner:

Ashland County Sheriff

(715) 685-7640

Agency Case Number A1-18-000358

Details of Disappearance

Last Seen: At a music festival with a man named Dave Mills.  Jody was dropped off at his house and was later seen on camera at a Walmart with him. He reportedly changed his story about when he last saw Jody and whether he was at the festival with her. She was last seen going down to a creek on the evening of May 27, 2018. Multiple Law Enforcement personnel, search and rescue teams, and cadaver dogs searched the area for days. No sign of Jody was ever observed in the area where she was last seen. There has been no activity on Newberry's cellular phone, credit cards or social media accounts since she went missing. It's uncharacteristic of her to be out of touch with her family. 

More Information


Jody Newberry Where Are You? FB group

Charley Project

Post by Ashland Sheriff


My notes

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