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Muelbl, Joseph


Date Missing: October 16, 2008

From: Milwaukee, Milwaukee County

Age: 31

DOB: 6 Jan 1978

Sex: Male
Race: White
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 180 lbs.

Tattoo: tattoo on his left arm of a bulldog

Exclusions: 1


Case Owner: Milwaukee PD, Sensitive Crimes
Agency Case Number 08M3811

Details of Disappearance

Joseph was last seen and spoke to several people on October 16, 2008. During these phone calls, he sounded disoriented and confused. His final phone call was to his mother, during which he expressed his love and apologized if he had hurt anyone. The call abruptly ended, and he has not been heard from since.
He was driving a borrowed Ford Explorer SUV, which was found the next day, October 17, 2008, abandoned in the parking lot of a Menards store in Germantown.

A 10-day search was conducted near the Menards store in Pewaukee, WI. The search involved a dive team searching a pond, as well as the use of dogs, ATVs, and helicopters. Despite the extensive efforts, no trace of Joseph was found.

He had a steady job at Kangaroo Brands Inc, he was a devoted father, and left behind a young child. 

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