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Marzo, Becky Marie Kraemer


Date last seen: December 12, 2003

From: Milwaukee, Milwaukee County

Age: 24 years old
DOB: 03 May 1980 
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height (inches): 5' - 5'3
Weight (pounds): 120.0

Hair: blond/strawberry

Eyes: Blue, wears glasses with oval, silver wire frames

Marks: scar on her left wrist from a dog bite and scarring in both ears from tubes.
Tattoos: She has a tattoo on her lower back possibly a broken heart with a red rose through it. 

Medical: Her nose was previously fractured

Piercings: double pierced ears

Exclusions: 6


Case Owner: Milwaukee PD Sensitive Crimes

(414) 935-7405

Agency Case Number 100310130

Details of Disappearance

On the evening of December 12, 2003, 23-year-old Becky Marzo went out with friends to a local club in Milwaukee. The night of her disappearance, she had been at a bar called Conversations in the 3500 block of West Villard Avenue. While at the club, her phone kept ringing, and her boyfriend, Carl Rodgers III, was angry. He wanted her to come home, but Becky wanted to spend the night with her friends, so she turned off her phone. One of her friends asked if she wanted to go home, but Becky said she wanted to stay. When her friend dropped Becky off later that night at the home she shared with her boyfriend, 3100 Blk N. 5th St, in the Harambee neighborhood, no one knew they’d never see Becky again. Her boyfriend died in 2007.

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