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Marken, Mackenzie Rae


Missing Since: October 11, 2015
Missing From: Schofield, Marathon County

Age: 14 years old

Date of Birth: April 18, 2001

Sex: Female
Race: White
Height and Weight: 5'7, 150 pounds
Clothing: Possibly black combat boots
Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown, eyeglasses with purple frames

Mackenzie may use the last name Doll

Marks: She has scars on her wrists, arms and legs

Exclusions: 2

Case Owner: Everest PD Metro

(715) 359-4202

Agency Case NumberĀ 15-3556

Details of Disappearance

The last reported sighting of Mackenzie was on Oct. 16, 2015 near Mosinee's River Park and a short distance from the local high school property. Mackenzie Marken and her family moved to Weston in 2014 after living near Mosinee. She had run away from home twice before, but was found with friends both times. Mackenzie has not tried to contact anyone since fall 2015. Everest police have conducted dozens of interviews trying to find her but have had no success. The Help Mackenzie page offers a $1,000 reward.

More Information

Mackenzie's Facebook PageĀ 

Second Mackenzie Facebook Page

My notes