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Klimek, Kim Michael


Date of Last Contact: November 7, 1993
Missing From: Wales, Waukesha County
Age: 43 Years

DOB: 24 Sep 1950 

Sex: Male
Height: 5' 11" - 6' 0" (71 - 72 Inches)
Weight: 195 - 205 lbs
Race: White

Hair: red/strawberry

Eyes: green

Tattoo on left shoulder

Exclusions: 4


Possibly living in Las Vegas under an assumed name.

Case Owner:

Waukesha County Sheriff

(262) 548-7122

Agency Case Number 93-07655


Dentals: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Details of Disappearance

On December 10, 1993 deputies were contacted to check on the welfare of a 43-year-old man named Kim M. Klimek at his residence in the Village of Wales. Klimek’s house appeared fine although there was no sign of him or his truck. There was evidence that he was packing for a planned trip to Las Vegas and the tickets were found at the residence; however, he never made the trip. His mailbox indicated there was mail from as far back as November 8, 1993. During the investigation, it was found that his truck was parked at Mitchell Airport, but there was no record of him taking any flights. No one has heard from Kim Klimek since 1993. There were significant events that occurred within Kim’s family, which they believe, would have resulted in him contacting family members, but that did not happen. He was a self-employed drywaller [dba Perfection Drywall]. His family believed he was running away to Vegas to start over. He was in a small amount of tax debt but police don't believe it was enough to make him run and start over. They said they exhausted the Vegas angle. But see article.

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