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Hoaglan, Jamie Lee


Missing Since: October 20, 2016
Missing From: Milwaukee, Milwaukee County

Age: 31 years old

Date of Birth: June 22, 1985
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height and Weight: 5'7, 125 pounds
Hair: red 

Eyes: hazel

Exclusions: 1


Case Owner: Milwaukee PD Sensitive Crimes Dept

(414) 935-7405

Agency Case Number 163160117

Details of Disappearance

Hoaglan was last seen at her residence in the area of the 900 block of south 19th Street and National Avenue in the Mitchell Park neighborhood of Milwaukee on October 20, 2016. Her son's father saw her when he came to pick the child up, and she told him she was going to 49th and Hadley in the St. Joseph neighborhood. She has never been heard from again.

According to Hoaglan's mother, she had just gotten a new job and was a devoted mother who wouldn't have abandoned her three children.

More Information


Charley Project

Jamie's Facebook

My notes

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