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Hietpas, Nicholas


Missing Since: April 1, 2019
Missing From: Doty, Oconto County

Age: 22 years old

DOB: 29 Aug 1996

Sex: Male
Race: White
Height and Weight: 5'10 - 6'0, 170 - 190 pounds
Clothing: A black hooded sweatshirt with green lettering reading "Get Your Gooch On", blue American Eagle jeans, and brown or mustard-colored steel-toed work boots.
Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Tattoo: on the inside of his left wrist; it resembles two squiggly uppercase letter Y's with one of the Y's inverted.


Case Owner: Appleton PD
Agency Case Number A19010228

Details of Disappearance

Hietpas was last seen in Doty on April 1, 2019. His dog, a white female 65-pound German Shepherd named Samantha, disappeared with him.

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