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Foster, Leonard DeMarcus


Date of Last Contact: December 17, 1993
Location: Milwaukee, Milwaukee County

Alias: Mark, Marc

Age: 20

DOB: 23 Jan 1973 

Sex: Male
Height: 5' 7" (67 Inches)
Weight: 130 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black
Race: Black

Medical: Front Tooth incisor is Chipped

Wearing: grey and blue "Dallas" jacket, black footwear with blue and white stripes

Exclusions: 5

Case Holder: Milwaukee Sensitive Crimes

(414) 935-7405

Agency Case Number 94M0067

Dentals: yes; front tooth incisor is chipped
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: yes

Details of Disappearance

Foster was last seen in the 3300 block of West Highland in Milwaukee in the Cold Spring Park neighborhood on December 17, 1993. He has never been heard from again. 

“The last person to see Mark Foster was his friend, Mario Mallet. Mallet had just turned 21 years old, and last saw Foster at 29th and Highland in West Milwaukee leaving in a Brown 70’s style stick shift van. But Mark was not alone. Police records state that Mallet saw Foster leaving with a man with a dark complexion and a mustache, an estimated age of late 30’s to early 40’s. The two were allegedly traveling to South Milwaukee to look at a gun and a VCR that was for sale. Mark was never seen again after that. No sightings of the man accompanying Foster were recorded after that.”


Crimes involving 1970s models stick shift brown vans, sales of same after 1993?

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