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Egan, James


Age progressed

Missing Since: August 6, 1972
Missing From: San Francisco, California

Age: 18 years old
Date of Birth: April 12, 1954 
Height and Weight: 5'9, 130 pounds

Sex: Male

Race: White

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Blue, He wears gold wire-framed eyeglasses

Medical: His left hand is slightly deformed from an accident

Exclusions: 67


Case Owner: Mequon PD
(262) 242-3500
Agency Case Number 72-431/11-2451

Details of Disappearance

James Egan called family from San Francisco, CA on 08-06-72 to inform them he was traveling back to Denver, CO to get a flight home to Wisconsin within the next week. Egan was hitchhiking. Family never heard from James Egan again.

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