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Depies, Laurie


Date Missing: August 19, 1992

From: Grand Chute, Outagamie County

Age: 20 years old

Date Of Birth: September 17, 1971
Height and Weight: 5'5, 115 lbs.
Race: White

Sex: Female

Hair: Brown (may be dyed)

Eyes: Green, she may have been wearing brown contact lenses.
Tattoos: an Indian art form tattoo that looks like a squid on her right ankle.

Piercings: Triple pierced ears.
Clothing: Black, sleeveless, rib-knit turtleneck, with horizontal white stripes. Spandex shorts with black and white stripes; black slip-on leather shoes.
Jewelry: Silver watch worn on left wrist, multiple silver necklaces, rings, anklets, and earrings.

Exclusions: 5


Case Owner: Wisconsin DCI
(920) 751-4185
Agency Case Number 92-2912

Details of Disappearance

Laurie was last seen leaving Fox River Mall on 08/19/1992. Her vehicle was located at an apartment complex in the Town of Menasha. Her gray 1984 Volkswagen Rabbit was located. The car was locked. A soft drink cup was found on the hood on Depies' car, but there were no other signs of her at the scene. 

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