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Dantzman, Norbert


Missing Since: August 30, 2019
Missing From: Winter, Sawyer County

Age: 89 years old

Date of Birth: June 20, 1930
Sex: Male
Race: White
Height and Weight: 5'9, 136 pounds
Clothing: A black windbreaker, a black and white checkered shirt, a black or gray vest, black Levi's jeans, black shoes, a white or light colored baseball cap, and a gold ring with a diamond on his right hand
Medical: dementia and other cognitive issues.  The index fingers on both his hands are crooked.
Hair: Gray, had a beard

Eyes: Brown, wears eyeglasses

He wears prescription dentures


Case Owner: Sawyer County Sheriff
(715) 634-4858

Agency Case Number 19083020

Details of Disappearance

A Silver Alert was issued for Norbert A. Dantzman, who goes by the nickname "Tony," on August 30, 2019. Mr. Dantzman was staying at the Northern Lights Motel (also known as the Strouf Motel), 5202 Strouf Ave, Winter with family members who noticed he was missing from the motel around 10:00am. Mr. Dantzman had traveled to Wisconsin from his home in California for a family reunion. He did not take any identification with him or his cellphone. The last time Mr. Dantzman was seen he was traveling on foot north of the Northern Lights motel.

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