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Curry, Bobby J.


Date Missing: March 27, 2005

From: Kenosha, Kenosha County
Age: 27

DOB: 13 MAR 1978
Sex: Male
Race: Black
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 175 lbs.

Tattoos: “MOM” upper right arm, “C” between right thumb and index finger

Alias: Snoop Curry

Piercings: left ear
Exclusions: 5


Case Holder: Kenosha PD

(262) 605-5203

Agency Case Number 2005-057735

Details of Disappearance

Bobby Curry was last seen March 27, 2005, leaving Erv's Lounge (now MoeMoe's Market) in Kenosha, 1916 63rd Street. According to witness statements, he got in an argument with two White males. Shortly after, it seemed the argument was defused and they bought him a drink. Bobby Curry was then seen leaving with the two individuals.

Bobby Curry has not been seen or heard from since. The two White individuals have not be identified. Bobby did had an outstanding warrant, causing police to think he left on his own, but police now believe foul play was involved.

More Information

Rapid SAR

Charley Project


My notes

Erv's bar and a second photo of Bobby