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Busche, Lawrence Eugene


Date of Last Contact: November 4, 2013

Location: Kenosha, Kenosha County

Age: 70 Years

DOB: 08 FEB 1943

Sex: Male
Height: 5' 9" - 5' 10" (69 - 70 Inches)
Weight: 155 - 220 lbs
Race: White

Hair: Gray or Partially Gray, Beard
Eyes: brown

Medical: condition which requires medication.

Clothing: plaid jacket, blue baseball hat

Parents: Lawrence Sr. & Betty Blaze Busche

Exclusions: 2


Case Holder:

Kenosha PD

(262) 605-5203

Case #13165136


Details of Disappearance

Lawrence was last seen by family about 9 p.m. Monday. His vehicle was found downtown Kenosha (note, no specific address picked because it is unknown.) All personal belongings were in the vehicle, including his wallet and dentures. He is believed to be on foot. His home was at 4303 75Th St.

More Information

RSR Corp


Additional photos
