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Boiteau, Shannah

Shannah Boiteau.jpg

Missing Since: June 22, 2016

Missing From: St. Cloud, Minnesota

Age: 22 years old

Date of Birth: June 24, 1993
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height and Weight: 5'7, 135 pounds
Clothing: A tan Victoria's Secret tank top with the word "PINK" on it, black leggings, no shoes
Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown
Tattoos: One of two sparrows on her hips and a tattoo of the name "Milli" behind her right ear
Piercings: Her lip and navel are pierced, and she has gauged piercings in her ears.

Exclusions: 1


Case Holder
Chippewa Falls PD

(715) 723-4424

Agency Case Number CF-16-01601

Details of Disappearance

Near Interstate 94 and County Road 74 in St. Cloud, Minnesota
is where she vanished. Shannah was traveling with her boyfriend, Kyle, on a road trip. During an argument, Shannah reportedly jumped out of the car and ran into nearby woods along the highway. She left behind her purse and phone, making contact difficult.

More Information


Her X Account

Her Facebook


Charley Project

Missing in America

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