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Bly, Rose


Missing Since:  August 21, 2009

Missing From:  St. Croix Falls, Polk County

Age: 21

DOB: 16 Sep 1987
Gender: Female
Race:  White
Hair Color:  Lt. Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'0"
Weight:  110 lbs.

Alias: Also went by her married name, Larson

Father: Kenneth Bly

Tattoo: cherries

Exclusions: 3


Case Owner

Polk County Sheriff's Dept

(715) 485-8366

Agency Case Number 1724-2009


Dental: Available and charted to be entered later.
DNA: Sample submitted, tests not complete
Fingerprints: Available elsewhere

Details of Disappearance

On Friday August 21, 2009, Rose Marie Bly left her home in Sterling, Polk County, to travel to Cushing to meet with her cousin. (Some reports state she was meeting the cousin at a bar.) The distance from her home to Cushing was approximately 5 miles. She had told her husband, Christopher Larson, she had planned to meet her cousin and she left the home around 7:30 pm. Rose never met with her cousin and was reported missing on Saturday August 22, 2009. Her vehicle was found in Grantsburg on Wednesday August 26, 2009. It was parked in a municipal lot, in a parking lot typically used by truck drivers to park their tractor trailers.  That area in Grantsburg was scoured for evidence and investigators went door-to-door, as well as using a helicopter to search the area near her rural home.

Bly left behind a husband and two daughters under the age of two. She doesn't have any credit or debit cards, and she left home with very little money. Bly's husband filed for divorce three weeks after her disappearance.  Their relationship was troubled and police were called to the home at least once to intervene in a domestic violence incident; Bly's husband accused her of slapping him, and she accused her of putting her in a headlock and banging her head on the ground. Bly's husband passed a polygraph but nobody has been ruled out by law enforcement as a suspect. His divorce petition was granted in 2010 and he has sole custody of their daughters.

Bly fell off a horse a week before her disappearance. She told her mother she was having headaches after the accident and her mother advised her to see a doctor, but there's no evidence she ever did. Bly's mother speculated her daughter became disoriented due to her injury and wandered away. 

More Information


Charley Project

Rose Bly Facebook Group

ViCap listing

Pod cast 

Doe Network

No plans to meet cousin



Map created by Quoththeraven:cushing.png