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Bergstrand, Gary


Missing Since: June 23, 2004

Missing From: Milltown, Polk County

Age: 41 years old

Date of Birth: June 14,1963

Sex: Male

Race: White

Height and Weight: 5'7 - 5'8, 180 pounds

Clothing: A green sweatshirt and blue sweatpants.

Medical: blood cancer and depression

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Tattoos: a heart with wings on his left arm, the word "Mom" on his upper left arm, a cross on his left forearm, the letters "GNU" on his right upper arm, and unknown tattoos on his right arm

Exclusions: 11


Case Owner: Polk County Sheriff

(715) 485-8366

Case #5615-04

Details of Disappearance

Last seen walking the Gandy Dancer Trail. It has been searched many times to no avail.

More Information


Doe Network

Charley Project


Path from Milltown, Polk County to the beginning of the Gandy Dancer Trail in Wisconsin at St Croix Falls to the end of the Wisconsin portion in Danbury.


My notes