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Avila, Ganem


Missing Since: Jan 8, 2013

Missing From: Waukesha, Waukesha County

DOB: Sep 2, 2008

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Height: 3'2"

Race: Biracial

Sex: Male

Weight: 50 lbs.

Mother: Maria Delacruz Avila 


Case Holder: 

Waukesha County Sheriff's Office

Main Phone (262) 446-5070

Case number W13046194


Although not shown as a poster, his NCMEC number is 1222690

Details of Disappearance

He was allegedly abducted by his mother, Maria Delacruz Avila, on January 8, 2013. A felony warrant for Custodial Interference was issued for Maria on September 25, 2013. They may travel to Mexico. Ganem is Biracial. Maria may use the alias name Ines. She has a tattoo on her lower back and on her shin. 

More Information


Maria Delacruz Avila and age advanced Ganem


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