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Archer, Heather

Original (9).jpg

Missing Since: July 8, 2016
Missing From: Milwaukee, Milwaukee County

Age: 27 years old

Date of Birth: January 18,1989

Eyes: hazel

Hair: brown, may be dyed

Height and Weight: 5'6, 150 pounds

Marks: a scar on her arm

Piercings: upper lip is pierced

Race: White

Sex: Female

Tattoos: a butterfly with a tribal design on her lower back

Case Owner: Milwaukee PD Sensitive Crimes

(414) 935-7405

Agency Case Number 162910093

Details of Disappearance

Archer was last seen in Milwaukee on July 8, 2016. She has never been heard from again. She has been known to frequent the areas of 20th and Greenfield Avenue, and 10th and Lincoln Avenue, in Milwaukee. She may travel on foot or by bus.

More Information

Charley Project


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