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Anderson, Orin


Missing Since: August 26, 1973
From: Mequon, Ozaukee County

Age: 16 years old

Date of Birth: November 15, 1956
Sex: Male
Race: White
Height and Weight: 5'9, 135 pounds
Clothing: gray t-shirt with the word "Vote" on the front pocket, black shorts and white sneakers

Hair: Blond

Eyes: blue

64 exclusions 


Case Owner:

Mequon Police Department

Case Number 73-4785

(262) 242-3500

Details of Disappearance

Orin went missing while visiting Virmond Beach Park in Mequon. He was swimming that day and told his friends he was going to go back for another swim. That's the last they saw of him.


The law enforcement in this case are on the ball: "We currently had mitochondria DNA related to Orin Anderson on file with NamUS and being continually checked through the CODIS network. We have all the original police reports and files as well as all follow up supplemental reports regarding this case."

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