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Anderson, Kinah


Date Missing: July 10, 2006

From: Milwaukee, Milwaukee County
DOB: October 4, 1978

Age: 28

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Height: 5’3”

Race: Black

Sex: Male

Weight: 125 lbs.

Wearing: a white t-shirt, black Dickie shorts, a dark gray hoodie, and white tennis shoes

Medical: a glass right eye and a scar in his left eyebrow area. Kinah has discoloration of his left and right arm, and he has a 5-inch diagonal scar on the center of his back. Kinah’s upper front teeth are missing

Piercings: both ears are pierced

Exclusions: 1


Case Owner: Milwaukee Sensitive Crimes
Case number 061590236

Details of Disappearance

Kinah Anderson was last seen in the company of two Black males around 10:45PM in the area of North 32nd and West Auer Street Midtown. 


More Information

He has been legally declared deceased.

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